2025 Meetings
Meetings are held at Hansen's Honey Farm at 6pm
January 16th - Mead & Cheese.
February 20th- Meet the State Apiarist. Brooke Nikkila-Sommerfelt will introduce herself, explain what she looks for during hive inspections, and tell us what she has been seeing in our area.
March 20th- How winter went and autopsies of dead hives. How member’s hives did over winter and finding the cause of hives that did not make it.
April 17th- Package Installation. Review of how to install packages of bees.
May 16th- Queen Rearing.
June 19th- Native Plants and Designing Perennial Beds. Amanda Scheppele from Hanson’s Garden Village will speak on planting native plants for pollinators and ways to design perennial beds.
July 17th- Member picnic
August 15th- Making Salves.
September 19th- Winterizing. How members prepare their hives for winter.
October 17th- Honey tasting and moisture testing. Members bring in their honey to share the different flavors and get their honey tested for moisture content.
November & December- no meetings
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